Preço Lisk hoje , gráfico, cotação e conversor


0.00005138 BTC
Volume (24h)
Circulating Supply
128,900,445 LSK
Total Supply

Lisk hoje vale R$ R$12.91, tem capitalização de mercado de R$ R$1,663,568,781.

Gráficos de preço Lisk

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Conversor de Lisk


O que é Lisk?

Lisk (LSK) is a coin formed after the hardfork of the "Crypti" blockchain running on Delegated Proof of Stakes (DPoS) protocol. Lisk is a next-generation blockchain platform which allows the users to develop, distribute and monetize Javascript based decentralized applications. Lisk provides an all in one industry solution for smart contracts, custom blockchains, cloud storage and computing nodes using blockchain technology. Lisk components include developer tools, decentralized peer to peer hosting and storage of dApps and sidechain consensus for dApps. There is also a Lisk mobile client that give the users access to their Lisk account. The total supply of Lisk is 100 million.

The purpose of Lisk is to access a much larger developer pool by allowing them to develop applications written in JavaScript. Lisk also contains sidechains which are cryptographically independent blockchains. This allows the developers to customize the network scaling, consensus algorithm or asset tracking etc.