Brazil: More than 800 events on Bitcoin and blockchain in 2018

The crypto-coins market is growing around the world. Terms like blockchain, bitcoin, altcoins and crypto-coins have become very common on the internet and in the media in general.

The subject brought together several professionals from the area at events that took place all over Brazil. According to Livecoins’ calendar of events on blockchain and critptomoedas, more than 500 events will happen by the end of 2018.

In all, 824 events were recorded throughout the year, this means that Brazil had at least 2 events per day on the technology that is changing the world.

48% of all events taking place in the country are in the State of São Paulo, more than 200 events are still going to happen in São Paulo until the end of the year, mostly in the Capital, but Campinas and São José dos Campos also await a great deal of scheduled events.

Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul are tied for second, with 11% of all scheduled events. Minas Gerais has the third position, with a percentage of 9% (40 predicted events), followed by Paraná (7%), and Santa Catarina (4%).

Other states with emphasis are Pernambuco (2%) and Federal District (2%). Map the events in the Country below:


Many events happen over the internet, however, face-to-face events are much more common. In all, only 4% happens on the web, such as Webminars or online conferences. There is a market here for those who are interested.

Events Blockchain Dominam
The overwhelming majority of the events are about Blockchain technology (49%), events with an exclusive focus on Bitcoin represent 26% of the total, while the alternative crypto-coins, or Altcoins represent 25%.

This reveals that Blockchain’s potential has been a focus of many companies and individuals, and also shows that meetings on alternative cryptomedical projects are active across the country.

A good part of the events are organized by companies and institutions, but most are organized by people who organize the events themselves in order to promote the potential of crypto-coins and Blockchain technology.

Another curiosity is that more than 60% of the events are held for free through meetups. With so many events going on, it’s easy for anyone who does not know the market to learn more about it.

In general, most events have a specialist who is willing to pass on to the public their knowledge.

Livecoins today has the largest event aggregator on blockchain and crypto-coins in Brazil. The organizers themselves can register the events and Livecoins helps them in the divulgation without cost.

The registered events are evaluated by our team and are posted on our websites and social networks.

We strongly believe that crypto-economics and blockchain are liberating. We embrace the cause of spreading Brazil’s knowledge abroad.

If you want to find events that are going to happen near you, visit our calendar of events about blockchain and crypto coins.

If you are an organizer and want Livecoins to help you in the promotion, just register your event in our form.

$100 de bônus de boas vindas. Crie sua conta na maior corretora de criptomoedas do mundo e ganhe até 100 USDT em cashback. Acesse

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Leia mais sobre:
Mateus Nunes
Mateus Nunes
Fundador do Livecoins. Formado em Ciência da Computação e profissional de segurança da informação há mais de 10 anos. Escreve sobre Bitcoin desde 2012. Tradutor do site

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